Boston Tea Party
American colonists had been affected by taxes put by parliament. They saw this taxes as another example of taxation without representation. Colonists had no representation in parliament, therefore they could not vote in favor or against this taxes. Tea was one of the favorite drinks among colonists and British decided to pass on the Tea Act. A tax had already been put on tea and colonies didn't approve it,This act would almost guarantee that the colonists would buy tea form the East India Company. The East India Company sold the tea extremely cheap even with the taxes, but colonists didn't buy it because they thought they were being tricked by the parliament. Instead, colonists bought the smuggled Dutch tea.
Colonists got really angry and they thought they should do something to make the British know that they did not like this. On December 16, 1773 the Sons of Liberty lead a nonviolent protest in which they disguised as Mohawk Indians and bordered three British ships. This were the Darthmouth, Eleanor and the Beaver. This ships were full of tea because colonists were not buying it. Thomas Hutchinson, the Boston governor,did not allow the tea to be sent back to England. Colonists dumped 342 crates full of tea overboard. This was about 90,000 pounds of tea. This event was known as the Boston Tea Party.
Even though the colonists were disguised as Native Americans, British knew that colonists had done this. The same day there had been a meeting led by Samuel Adams which was for discussing the taxes on tea. It is unclear if this event was planned by Samuel Adams or if just a group of people got mad and decided to do this. We know that this was an action done by colonists to defend their rights. The business of tea had been long affected due to this taxes. Colonists definitely believed that they should do something to solve this problem. The Boston Tea Party was a key event for the American Revolution.
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