Monday, November 18, 2013

French and Indian war!

In the 1750s, Britain and France had colonies in North America. The British wanted to settle in the Ohio River Valley and to trade with native Americans. Britain declared war on France. The war for control of the valley was called French and Indian war. Most American Indians in the region were allies of the French. The American Indians liked the French because they traded but didn't settle on the land. This was the bloddiest war in the century. It took more lives than the American Revolution, involved people on three continents, including the caribbean. France and Britain were fighting in Europe. 

 British Colonists wanted to take over French land in North America. British soldiers fought against French soldiers and native Americans. Native Americans joined in te battle against the British because they were afraid the British would take over their land. In Europe they gave this war the name of seven year war. In 1754 a congress of the British colonies met in Albany, New York because Benjamin Frankling thought colonies should work together to defeat France. Each colony would still have its own government, they would also create one together to decide important issues. His idea was rejected because colonists didn't want to join together under one government. In 1557, Britain sent more soldiers to North America to defeat the French in Canada. In 1763, Britain and France ended the war and signed the treaty of Paris. France gave Britain control of Canada and most of the land of the Mississippi River. 

French Indian War Burning at the Stake

This picture shows Native Americans with a man bound to a stake.

 Major General James Wolfe captured Quebec.


 The war ended with the peace treaty of 1763. British got most of the French land in North America. Also as a result of the war, the British began taxing the colonists to pay for the war! Although war with frenches ends in 1763 the British continued fighting with Indians over the issues of land claims. The results of the war effectively ended French political and cultural influence in North America. England gained amounts of land and got stronger. War, however also brought a bad relationship with native Americans and england. The effects of the French and Indian war played a mayor role on the relationship between England and its colonies that eventually led into revolutionary war.